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Re: Taking over vnc, vnc-doc. Also xdm information request.

lee@sectionIV.com (Lee Bradshaw) wrote:
|> Ah, I see. If I want to start a client from elsewhere, I have first to copy
|> the cookie to it, everytime the X server was new started (if I try to
|> display a remote client on my home station, for example). Thsi I can do with
|> xauth -extract and -merge (or -add or whatever it is), right?
|How about using vnc on ssh?  Then you wouldn't have to deal with xauth.
|I believe there are some examples in the ssh documentation.

Do you want to force people to use ssh?  I use ssh anyway (and it's
indeed far more secure than "raw X protocol") , but it looks like
forcing it on people just to avoid the need to copy the cookie looks a
little excesive to me.

Back in my happy days as a network admin at HUJI CS.  My .xsession
file used to have some lines like:

for i (batata.fh.huji.ac.il banana.fh.huji.ac.il picton.cs.huji.ac.il)
  xauth extract - $RDISPLAY | rsh $i xauth merg -

(that was way before people were concerned so much about network
sniffing, firewalls, encryption etc..).  I suppose you can use a
variation on this with ssh today.



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133 Shlomo Ben-Yosef st.          |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805                  |  by the finest judges in England."
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