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Re: Lee: Re: smail Solution for Dynamic IP's

dtm12@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (Daniel Martin at cush) writes:

> However, if smail is handed a from address (either by the SMTP "MAIL
> FROM:" command or by the "-f" or "-r" option to the senmail command),
> smail will use that address.  Therefore it may be perfectly possible
> to convince your MUA to hand smail a from address.

Here's an idea then.

First, move the official sendmail out of the way:

# dpkg-divert /usr/sbin/sendmail

Then put a new sendmail in its place (this is a very brain dead

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

if ((grep {$_ == '-f'} @ARGV) || (!exists($ENV{RETURNPATH}))) {
  exec '/usr/sbin/sendmail.distrib', @ARGV;
} else {
  exec '/usr/sbin/sendmail.distrib', '-f', $ENV{RETURNPATH}, @ARGV;

die "sendmail: couldn't exec /usr/sbin/sendmail.distrib: $!\n";

Now set RETURNPATH in your environment and smail's sendmail will get
called with "-f $RETURNPATH" unless there's already a "-f" in the
command line.  (It could have been an sh script, but I don't know how
to look in "$@" for "-f" in bash.)  It could be rewritten in C.

This is all completely untested, of course.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

	  GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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