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Re: Slackware--->Debian

Holden Caulfield wrote:

Please don't apologize, that's what this group is for.  During the
Debian installation, you'll have the opportunity to re-partition
your hard disk; if you choose to do so, you'll effectively "DOS
format" your disk. Even if you don't, one of the steps in the
installation will overwrite your partition(s) with new content
unless you skip parts of the process.  In short, just do your
installation and it should overwrite your Slackware installation
with no problems.
> I am very new to LINUX so I apologize for the insignificance of this
> question.  I have Slackware installed on my computer and want to get
> rid of it so I can install Debian 1.3.1 rev.  Is there a LINUX
> equivalent to the DOS format command or is there some special process
> I need to follow in order to remove slackware from my system.
> Thanks in advance,
> Holden C
> cocytus@inficad.com

Ralph Winslow		      rjw@nac.net
Mary bought a pair of skates
upon the ice to frisk
now wasn't that a crazy way
her sweet young *?

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