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Re: Modifying Routing Tables on the fly

> Is there a way to safely change the routing table dependant on who logs in
> ?

Well, this is hard to imagine for a multi-user system. If you have several
users logged in -on on the console and another one from local network
via telnet? Anyway, if you still insist on this kind of setup, you may
want to look at "sudo" package. It may be anofigured to allow specific
users to run specific commands as root. But then the same user can change
te routing tables the way s/he wants... I don't think it is possible.
I am doing on-the-fly changing of the routing tables - but different
changes - I modify the gateway depending on what computer on the local
network is actually connected to the outside net (via ppp).

ALex Y.
 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
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