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Re: Network interface card for Linux

"Intelligence Quest Research INC." <iquest@gte.net> writes:

>   I'd like to know if anyone here on the list would suggest
>   which Network Interface card that I should buy and supported
>   by Linux.  Secondly,  I'd like to know what do I have to
>   do in term of building/configuring the kernel for the NIC.
>   I'm looking for a 32bit fast ethernet card 100baseT.

A good place to look at is
<URL:http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/>.  A lot of newer
drivers are available here that aren't part of the kernel yet.  You
might find that it helps to add "-I/usr/src/linux/include" or
something similar when sompiling modules separately, but the
instructions with the module should be enough.

I can't recommend any card myself, but I have had 3Com cards
recommended to me.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

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