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Re: Interrupts and serial ports


On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Dan Hugo wrote:

> I was looking through /etc/rc.boot/0setserial to see how everything is
> configured, and I noticed that in the manual configuration section, it
> attempts to setup the "COM1/3" and "COM2/4" ports to irq's 4 and 3,
> respectively.  I've read the howto's and the docs that came with the
> card, and everything is quite clear... "One serial port, one interrups."
> My question-- does Linux support shared serial port interrupts in any
> way?
> The 0setserial file confused me a bit on this.

Hi Dan!

0setserial confused me to. But after all I've figuered out, that linux (on
my machine) does NOT support 2 serials on the same interupt. What happens
is, that they both are not useable. I have set the jumpers on my ... hmmm
... let me look ... AdLib ISA POWER 221 card (which has 2 serial, 2
parallel and 1 game port) to have the two extra serials as /dev/ttyS2 and
/dev/ttyS3 (COM3: and COM4:) with interupts 11 and 12. And I have edited
the 0setserial file as shown below:

- ---------------- /etc/rc.boot/0setserial ------- [snip] -----------------

# The typical user will only have 2 serial ports. To try and minimise
# problems, all other configurations have been commented out!
${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 ${AUTO_IRQ} skip_test autoconfig ${STD_FLAGS}
${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS3 ${AUTO_IRQ} skip_test autoconfig ${STD_FLAGS}

- ---------------- /etc/rc.boot/0setserial ------- [snap] -----------------

As you can see, I have taken the '#' out. That's all.

Try it, and mail me, if you need further help!



P.S. The two-serials-on-one-interupt-solution works fine with DOS and
systems, that can only access one port at a time. But I had problems with
Windows and Linux. My configuration was ttyS0 = modem and ttyS2 = terminal
(local attached Psion S3a) and I couldn't get this to work with both on
the same interupt. 

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Daniel Gross                                     <dg@bingo.baynet.de> -
- - Ingolstadt, Germany                                  <dgross@gmx.net> -
- - "If Win95 is the answer, it must have been a real foolish question !" -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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