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Re: Scanner

On 9 Jan 1998, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "William" == William R Ward <hermit@BayView.COM> writes:
>     William> I have a Tamarack (sp?) SCSI-based "TWAIN compliant"
>     William> scanner and would like to use it under Linux.  Of course
>     William> it only came with Windoze drivers... Is there (preferably
>     William> Debianized) software for Linux that would talk to it?
> TWAIN is a joke. All "TWAIN compliant" means is that it comes with
> drivers for Windows.
> Check out SANE -- there's a Debian package of it. It may support your
> scanner (since it's a SCSI scanner, if your SCSI card recognizes it as
> such, it's most likely supported in SANE.)
> SANE can scan directly into GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program)
> for touchups and saving into your favorite format!

	I have a Scantastic scanner which uses the "TWAIN compliant"
drivers. This scanner doesn't have a SCSI interface but an ISA interface
card. Does the Sane drivers/software detect ISA or only SCSI? 

	With the growing popularity of the "cheaper" scanners (199.99 and
less) which use these "TWAIN compliant" drivers i would think that
something would be designed to use them in the Linux community.

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