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Re: patch for man command

On 10 Jan, Maurizio Marini wrote:
> Hi,
> i've installed debian 1.3 by
> cd availeble on various zines.

It's a problem entered because of the "last minute" upgrade before
burning the PLUTO CD (which has been copied by some magazines).
That version of man-db has been modifyed to work with the new pager
policy, but the CD still has the old more and less packages.

> someone knows how to patch the command man?
> if hi enter :
> 	#set PAGER less; export PAGER
> i get this error:
> sh: exec: pager: not found


PAGER=/usr/bin/less; export PAGER

to /etc/profile

set PAGER /usr/bin/less

to /etc/csh.login

If you don't have root access, you can do the same on your HOME dir
with files .profile and .login

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