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Re: multiple fs types for user floppy access?

hawk@eyry.econ.iastate.edu writes:

> I currently have my floppy set up so that users can mount ms floppies with the 
> line
> /dev/fd0        /floppy         msdos           user,rw 0       0
> in /etc/fstab
> I tried changing "msdos" to "auto", but no dice.  Is there a change so that it 
> can automount both msdos and ext2 disks?

Try the fdmount program from fdutils package.  It autodetects the file 
systems and mounts up the disk for you.  The fdumount program undoes this.

> rick, who also wonders why linux and 10 year old mac's can read/write msdos 
> disks faster than windows

Floppy drives are inherently slow.  At least Linux doesn't suspend all 
other programs on the system while writing to the floppy device.

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