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Re: mounting win95 partition was Re: multiple fs types for user floppy access?

AJT60@student.canterbury.ac.nz writes:

> On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:
> >  /dev/fd0        /floppy/msdos         msdos           user,rw 0       0
> >  /dev/fd0        /floppy/ext2         ext2           user,rw 0       0
> >  /dev/fd0        /floppy/vfat         vfat           user,rw 0       0
> > 
> Speaking of which,  I have a line which goes something like
>  /dev/hda1 	/win95		vfat 		[can't remember the rest]
> on startup, it always complains about vfat being an unsupported fs. Yet
> mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win95 works okay. Do I have to compile vfat
> support directly into the kernel rather than as a loadable module or
> something? 
> Andrew

Hmmm - assuming you have the default bo /etc/init.d/boot, the only way 
I can see this happening is if you don't have "vfat" in the list of
modules to load at startup in /etc/modules and have the "auto" line in 
/etc/modules commented out.  In this scenario, kerneld isn't started
until after the mount that ends up compolaining; later, at the command 
line, kerneld has been started and so loads the vfat module as
necessary, and mount at the command line succeeds.

Solution: uncomment the auto line.  (or add vfat into /etc/modules,
but I find that starting kerneld up as early as possible makes many
things much easier)

(actually, if module dependencies aren't working completely (as they
sometimes aren't), I can also see this happening if the "auto" line is 
commented out and "fat" isn't listed in /etc/modules)

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