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Re: IP-Masq (was Re: ms explo

> > > I've just been through the same thing with IP Masquerading. I created a 
> > > file in /etc/rc.boot (I don't know whether that was the right place or 
> > > not!) marked it as executable. It contained the following:
> Why not just put the module names in /etc/modules? It's a lot easier.

hmm..  Guess who has just discoverd their /etc/modules file? It gets
easier and easier.  I thought it was purely informational in spite of the
fact that it's in /etc

I'm wondering If I'm going to have to load any. I just succesfully ran
WS_FTP from the pretty looking machine and I know I haven't loaded the ftp
module.  It (ip_masq_ftp.o) isn't being loaded from anywhere that I can
find it.

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