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Re: IP-Masq (was Re: ms explo

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, John Spence wrote:

> I'm wondering if running Debian has made this an easier process. I've read
> 100s of messages lately prior to trying this and practically none of the
> users with problems were Deb users.

I would think they're all the same, but still, I found it incredibly easy
to set up. The procedure to setup IP-Masq is pretty much the same for each
distribution, but maybe just the overall system makes it easier?

> > I've just been through the same thing with IP Masquerading. I created a 
> > file in /etc/rc.boot (I don't know whether that was the right place or 
> > not!) marked it as executable. It contained the following:

Why not just put the module names in /etc/modules? It's a lot easier.




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