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2.1.125 and lilo


I have been trying to install kernel 2.1.125 straight from the source into
my Debian 2.0-based system. Everything went fine when I first installed it
(I am typing this from that new kernel), but when I tried to install a 
version with somewhat tuned settings, lilo refuses to cooperate:

> lilo
Device 0x0800: Invalid partition table, 2nd entry
  3D address:     1/0/128 (2056320)
  Linear address: 2/81/16 (262144)

If would be very grateful if someone could tell me:

1) What this error means? Seems like a mis-alignment between two systems?
   I recognize the second series from cfdisk (see below) but not the first
2) How do I correct it? Can I use cfdisk to rewrite the partitiontable while
   running from the disk? Besides, cfdisk does not seem to detect any errors?
   (See below.)
3) Why did it happen? Are there any other utility that touches the partition
   table besides cfdisk? (lilo, for instance?) If the partition table has not
   change but rather lilo:s view of it (through the 2.1.125 kernel), is it
   possible to create a partition table that works both for 2.0 and 2.1?

Yes, I have read Documentation/Changes, but it does not mention cfdisk.
I would really like to know if it is safe to reboot right now...


Mårten Berggren

Attachement: "Screendump" from cfdisk, which seems to be ok.

                                  cfdisk 0.8j

                              Disk Drive: /dev/sda
              Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 1106

    Name        Flags      Part Type  FS Type          [Label]        Size (MB)
    /dev/sda1   NC          Primary   Linux Swap                         128.00*
    /dev/sda2   Boot        Primary   Linux ext2                        3000.00*
    /dev/sda3               Primary   Linux ext2                        3000.00*
                            Pri/Log   Free Space                        2547.73*

Attachement: Another view of the partition table.

            First    Last
 # Type     Sector   Sector   Offset  Length   Filesystem Type (ID)   Flags
-- ------- -------- --------- ------ --------- ---------------------- ---------
 1 Primary        0   262143*     32#  262144* Linux Swap (82)        None (00)
 2 Primary   262144* 6406143*      0  6144000* Linux (83)             Boot (80)
 3 Primary  6406144*12550143*      0  6144000* Linux (83)             None (00)
   Pri/Log 12550144*17767889       0  5217746* Free Space             None (00)

Attachement: Third view of the same thing.

         ---Starting---      ----Ending----    Start Number of
 # Flags Head Sect Cyl   ID  Head Sect Cyl    Sector  Sectors
-- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---------
 1  0x00    0   33    0 0x82   81    1   16       32    262112
 2  0x80   81    2   16 0x83  194   52  398   262144   6144000
 3  0x00  194   53  398 0x83   53   40  781  6406144   6144000
 4  0x00    0    0    0 0x00    0    0    0        0         0

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