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Re: Why?!

Hi Charles.

Could you give us more information about some of the problems 
you've encountered?

You wrote:

> In linux I download the source,
> fight for hours with Makefiles and header files - or if I'm lucky
> ./configure will show me all the problems I need to fix in advance. OK, I
> can install .deb files (or .rpm files or whatever) instead but then I have
> to hope the package maintainer has kept everything up-to-date and hasn't
> mucked up - the number of times gzip complains about not being able to
> uncompress .deb files is amazing - and then I find someone's mucked up the
> dependencies and have to spend ages mucking around on ftp.debian.org (or
> mirrors) looking for stable-ish versions that will work and let me get on
> with it.

These are serious problems (i remember them well, from back 
before i adopted a Linux distribution), and Debian tries to 
provide a solution in the form of the dpkg/apt/dselect 
programs.  I'm not sure from reading this whether you tried the
Debian approach and still encountered problems, or whether you 
haven't tried the Debian approach yet.

So i have a Debian system running here (it's my primary 
system), and when i need a new package..  for example, let's 
say i want to install the documentation-management package 
called "doc++" (which i recently installed.  I strongly 
recommend this package to all C/C++ coders, by the way!)...

So i just type "apt-get update", then wait for a few minutes, 
then type "apt-get install doc++".  This handles all the 
problems of compilation, and dependencies (in the case of 
doc++, it will make sure you have a sufficiently modern version
of the standard C++ library installed).

I have very rarely encountered problems in the Debian 
packaging, and if i wanted to avoid such problems i could just 
run the stable branch of Debian instead.  (But i like finding 
these problems so i can report them, which is one of the 
reasons that i run the unstable branch.)

If this system isn't working for you for some reason, i'm sure 
we'd like to hear why not so that we can improve it.




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