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Re: floating point exception?

Here is a little more about that: (it seems that I will start  a
discussion with myself about this problem...)

I used earlier suse 5.2. and installed the same program and it worked
perfectly (being wordperfect that is quite natural, of course). 
But I realized at that time that my machine is possessing an early pentium
processor, which has got a certain bug, which is shown at the booting
time. Earlier I had the kernel compiled as well. I haven't compiled the
debian hamm kernel yet. 

Is it possible that this error message is related
to that cpu bug and to the uncompiled kernel?

On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, virtanen wrote:

> Does anyone know, what does mean a message:
> 'floating point exception' 
> and what to do with it? 
> While trying to start an installed program (wp8-demo, installed from a
> tar-ball) I always got such kind of cryptic expression on my screen...   
> (Running debian stable hamm)
> hvirtane@cc.jyu.fi

the same

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