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multiple X servers?

Hello all,

I've got my X server cheerily up an running on display 0.

What I would like is for another user to be able to start an X server
from the command line on Display 1, and be able to switch back and forth
between X servers by hitting Alt-f7 and Alt-f8.

I'm using standard debian X related stuff, for the most part.

In the other user's home directory, I put an .xserverrc file with only
this in it:

exec X :1 -bpp 16

but unfortunately, that JUST starts the X server and no clients or
window managers.  It's not using the system wide xinitrc file, in other

So obviously, that .xserverrc file is not what I want, or possibly I
need to modify it.

Can someone guide me to the appropriate documentation that explains how
to do this?  Or is it some kind of simple thing that I'm missing?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!!!!


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