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Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

Steve Lamb <morpheus@teleute.ml.org> writes:
| On Mon, Nov 30, 1998 at 12:43:32PM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
| >  :     We'll find out shortly.  I'm FTPing the sources from
| > sunsite.  Never did
| >  : like the Debian way of doing the Kernel.
| > Why not?
|     Because I was a Slackware person before I was a Debian person.  I don't
| like how the headers are split from the code.  I've never cared to learn the
| "Debian way" when "make dep ; make clean ; make zlilo ; shutdown -r now"
| works so well.

As I stated before I too use my own kernels, usually built directly
from the source obtained from ftp.kernel.org or sunsite, and I've been
using Linux since 0.99 days when pretty much the ONLY distribution was
Slak so I'm familiar with how to build a kernel without using any
Debian utilities, but I think you'd find the make-kpkg utility (in the
Debian kernel-package package) invaluable for building custom kernels.

After you do the "make <whatever>config" to configure your kernel, you
simply do a variant of:

make-kpkg --bzImage --revision mykernel.1 kernel_image

This builds a Debian kernel package, including any modules you've
configured, which you can then use "dpkg -i" to install.

The "make zlilo" approach is problematic if you have something else
that depends on a specific kernel version (Read the file
/usr/doc/kernel-package/Rationale.gz for 11 or so reasons you want to
use make-kpkg).

Basically, it's just nice and clean. You've got nice debian packages
with your own custom kernel images that you can install and uninstall
at will.

The short of it is, learn to use make-kpkg. It'll make life a LOT
easier on your new Debian system.


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