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Re: Points to Ponder

BOHICA wrote:
> If the author of the utility loadlin.exe (Hans Lerman) has stated on his web
> page (http://elserv.ffm.fgan.de/~lermen) that all versions greater than
> 2.1.22 should be installed with the updated version of loadlin (v1.6a) due
> to memory detection problems, why is Debian still distributing v1.6?
> Why doesn't Debian also distribute the loadlin manual and parameters
> documents (total 32Kb and 13Kb respectively) when the loadlin.exe file
> refers to them for help with settings, switches, etc.?  Or at least post the
> link to Hans Lermen's homepage on the main debian.org website?

 If you find a problem with a particular package (e.g. - loadlin) please
 post a bug to the BTS linked from the debian home page.  You can also
 email the maintainer of that package.

 If you need help on how to find the maintainer responsible for a particular
 package, feel free to email me and I'll explain it.

> [snip] 
> Has anyone noticed that the frozen SLINK distribution is _exactly_ the same
> as the proposed "new" potato distribution?

 Frozen (slink) is a fork from the continuously updated unstable (now potato)
 distribution.  At the moment they were forked, they were _exactly_ the same.
 However, from the moment they were forked, potato continues to get new
 packages and updated versions of upstream packages, where slink (frozen) will
 only get bug fixes, security updates, and other important stuff up until
 it is officially released.

 If you have problems believing that the two actually _are_ different, let
 me know and I'll send you a list of a few of the new packages added to potato
 that are not in slink, and also some example cases where potato has newer
 versions of packages than slink.

 Hope this clears up some confusion,

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