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Re: virtual hosts

"Chris Evans" <chris@psyctc.sghms.ac.uk> writes:

> The ISP suggests mapping the various 
> different host names to the different IP addresses all on the same 
> machine.  The tech man there tells me that gets round the problem 
> of older browsers coming in to the numeric address and so hitting 
> the www root rather than the virtual mappings.  Sounds good to me 
> and I assume you just have multiple entries in /etc/hosts.

No, it's a little more complicated.  You need a kernel that supports
IP aliasing, then you have to configure the extra addresses as
separate interfaces, e.g.

    ifconfig eth0 netmask
    ifconfig eth0:1 netmask

This is really a waste of IP addresses though, and almost all browsers
will send the required headers so that you don't need to do this.

> Can I do something similar with Email?  In particular with 
> Smartlist?  Is there something I can do using sendmail.cf and 
> perhaps MX records to allow the same box to collect for different 
> names and allow procmail, sendmail, smartlist, qpopper and 
> probably some IMAP server to treat the different names 
> appropriately?  

It's quite common to set up email this way, and should be easy.  I
don't know how to actually do it with anything besides qmail, though.
You don't need different IP addresses - ALL programs sending email to
you will include the machine name.

> Have I got the right idea?  What friendly documentation should I be 
> reading?

All of it.  :-)  But start with the friendly Apache documentation.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

"Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue?" - Cameron Laird

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