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Re: TCP Wrappers


> ALL: 192. 
> ... which should be allowing all internal hosts onto the machine without
> having to do reverse resolution. However, it still is. If I add my ip to
> the /etc/hosts file, then I get the login prompt IMMEDIATELY on connect.

	Have you checked your /etc/resolv.conf ? This looks life you have
a misconfigured DNS server.

	Even if you do not want reverse resolution, the system will look
up the name of the machine for some loggin and it will wait for the
nslookup timeout before giving you a prompt.

	Just check if what you have in resolv.conf is appropiate.

	Hope I helped.

Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o            Ultima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_        mailto:pere@casal.upc.es
PGP key available     ---  (_)/ (_)      http://casal.upc.es/~pere/

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