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Retract stupid question about linux-java - a permission issue

A.P. Bell wrote:

> Don't know much about Java.  You should temporarily change the permissions on
> /dev/audio and /dev/dsp to 666 and run your applet -- to ensure that your setuid
> trick has worked.  Also, a method such as play() is likely overriden and so an
> alternative method like play(<audio_device_name>,...) will likely exist.
> Again, I don't know anything, just trying to give you some feedback because no
> one else has thus far.
> Regards,
> Andrew Bell

 I feel pretty stupid, your idea in fact worked!  I guess I've never been bitten by
a permission
snafu enough to go right to the beginning.  It's funny how people have to tell you
the obvious
routes to try.

To be honest  I must not really understand permission
the application appletviewer, which comes with a jdk is really a symlink to a file
# ls -l .java_wrapper
-r-sr-xr-x    1    root    root    3462    Jun 19 01:36    .java_wrapper
I assumed the 's' in the owner's 'x' spot meant that this executable would execute
the owner's (i.e. root's) permission.  But this wouldn't work until I changed
/dev/audio to
chmod 666. (previously it was 660).  I guess I don't fully understand.
Maybe it's something like .java_wrapper invokes a library, and the library has to
have the
permission??  Or that 's' doesn't really mean what I think it means??

Much Thanks,
I guess until I figure it I'll live 'dangerously' with /dev/audio at chmod 666.
-Chip "confused about permission" Grandits

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