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Re: bogomips

-> > w> Yes that would seem about right. The problem I have is that my
-> > w> 166MMX gives me 149.9 BogoMips on my Slackware partition and only
-> > w> 130.6 on my Debian partition.  Same hardware (same box).
-> > 
-> > Same kernelversion? The bogomips implementation changes sometimes.
-> Yes.  2.0.34/35 on Slackware 149.9. On debian 2.0.34 120 Bogomips and
-> on 2.0.35 130.6.  The .config's on both dists are the same as well.
-> Interesting, isn't it.  NOT!  I am confused by the change in Debian
-> kernels.  On Slackware I have gone from 2.0.30 - 35 with no change at
-> all, allways 149.9.  I did note that on Slackware 3.5 (just installed) 
-> on a scsi drive on sba1, kernel 2.1.127 gets 149.5.  This is the first 
-> run on that kernel and I have a bunch of new stuff compiled into the
-> kernel, so that _may_ account for the change.

get kernel source and recompile it; do kernels say other number by booting
or by runnning bogomips command ?

does someone apply any patches to kernels used by debian ?
 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz

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