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Re: dconfig for GNUbies

Hello Daniel:

Joseph Hartmann wrote:

>          1) I chose 'access method CD-ROM' and it properly found the 'main' and
>          'contrib' packages and binaries. Where do I find the 'local' packages?  It
>          says, "this directory is named 'local/binary' on the distribution site."
>          It does not seem to be available on the CD-ROM, and I couldn't find it
>          traversing ftp.debian.org.  Am I missing packages without it, and what is
>          a standard place to find it?

The local directory is used for those who wish to create their own packages.
You simply have to answer none. When you start packaging you own software
you can use the local directory to place you packages into.

>          2) I've installed the distribution; everything seems to work.  Now
>          I've tried updating my system from libc5 to libc6 in order to install
>          mSQL. So far, dselect has required that I un-install libc5 in order to
>          install libc6.  Which it won't let happen because it would break a number
>          of packages.  Now what should I do?  Can I install both?  How?

You have to run the autoup program or apt. These  programs automatically remove the
libc5s and installs the libc6 components. You can get it from the Debian site.
Read the documentation and follow the instructions exactly.

>          3) I found an updated version of gpm, and tried downloading it from a
>          debian distribution site.  I like how lynx automatically started up
>          dselect (or dpkg?) when it recognized the package.  That was neat.  But
>          when I told it to try and install the package, it also wanted libc6.
>          Leaving a broken copy of gpm.  So I uninstalled gpm.  Now I have NO gpm
>          and no clear way to re-install the old version.  In dselect, can I
>          'downgrade' to the old version on the CD?

Try going to libc6. The problem should go away.


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