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RE: FVWM - Not all modules included?

>	martin@internet-treff.uni-koeln.de[SMTP:martin@internet-treff.uni-koeln.de]
>>> "MP" == Moore, Paul <Paul.Moore@uk.origin-it.com> writes:
>MP> Have I missed something, or is FvwmConsole not included in the debian
>MP> package?
>I don't know this module. What does it do? How does it look like?
>Perhaps it is not a official part of fvwm2 and Suse just included it.
>Maybe you are just looking for the FvwmTalk module?

It provides a window into which you can type Fvwm configuration
commands. I use it for testing out the effect of commands (Style "Xterm"
Sticky) without needing to edit the config file and restart every time.

I saw something which gave me the impression it's in some sort of
"extras" directory in the fvwm source, but I only have the binary so I
can't check.

[Hmm, I just recalled that Debian 2.0 sources CD I had somewhere, check
on that - yes, it's in Fvwm2/extras/FvwmConsole/*. So I guess the real
question is, if I install the sources and compile this module myself,
where should I put it? I don't want to interfere with dpkg's handling of
the fvwm2 package, but I do want to keep my disk structure sensible...
Is there (or should there be) a fvwm2_extras package? I couldn't find

BTW, I just noticed that FvwmWharf is *also* in extras. I was also
planning on using that, for its "Folders" (expanding buttons). Looks
like I need to do some building of my own. Maybe I also need to consider
registering as a developer, to package these up. In at the deep end :-(


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