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Re: [off topic] A pause in C?

-----Original Message-----
From: mickyb@es.co.nz <mickyb@es.co.nz>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: 07 October 1998 01:42
Subject: [off topic] A pause in C?

>I am after a way to generate a pause of 300ns in a C program I am working
>on. At the moment, I am using a for loop of about 700000 iterations..
>works okay, but on a faster system it will die.. (needed to slow down I/O
>with an interface card)
>I was looking at the info page for libc (which seems to be broken.. I cant
>go to other nodes from 'info libc') and found the timeval structure. It
>looks like what I want, but I cant work it out.. can someone help?
>something like:
>void p_300ns()
>  struct timeval interval;
>  // assign interval its members here.. ??
>  long int start = interval->tv_usec;
>  do {
>    // assign interval its members here again
>  } while interval->tv_usec < start + 3<some zero's>;
>  // have to excuse my memory..      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  what is nano ? micro
>  // is one millionth, nano is one something thousandth.. ??
Try using sleep() or nsleep() (I am not sure its name is nsleep() or
something similar), or if they don't work another approach would be a loop
with a call to clock() at the beginning and antoher one while checking at
the end of the loop.

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