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On Wed, Sep 16, 1998 at 06:56:11AM -0400, timothy@smasher.rs.itd.umich.edu wrote:
>         I don't understand how much of these configuration things are supposed
> to work, but I got the impression that it didn't configure itself properly for
> our debian system and is still for the authors? redhat system. So I simply went
> thru the files in gtkicq-xx/support/.deps and replaced all the occurances of
> "i386-redhat-linux" with "i486-linux". (Which is what the difference in the
> header directory is on my machine - you can check and make sure its the same on
> yours). After that it all compiles fine.
A simple 'rm -rf gtkicq-0.53/support/.deps' will do the trick.  Basically 
the author is not cleaning out the tree before making a tarball. He is
obviously developing on a redhat machine.  Simple fix, yet a PITA that should
be fixed at the source...


Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/~bma/
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