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XEmacs novice customisation


I am attempting to work with XEmacs, so far I can't say I am
particularly enjoying the experience ;-)

There are some things I really miss and one is the ability to select
text using the shift key combined with any cursor movement. From the
latest FAQ where it talks about windows versions it mentions a package
called pending-delete. 

I have found /usr/lib/xemacs-20.4/lisp/pending-del.elc on my Debian 2.0

Is this something that would make shift and cursors movement select
text? If so how do I install it?

Another thing I really miss is the effective use of the mouse for
selecting text. With 3 buttons I would love to have something line

	button1 + drag = select text from start to current point
        button2 + drag = select rectangle of text from start to current

I can't get used to a mouse button causing a paste at the text cursor.

Finally I would like to disable all the cursor movement by Control + a
letter as the cursor keys work fine. That would allow me C-x, C-c and
C-v for my cut copy and paste which are so convenient.

Any suggestions.



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