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Re: HELP newbie find specific shared libraries

*- Albert Hurd wrote about "HELP newbie find specific shared libraries"
| Could anyone tell me where to find the following shared libraries (not
| just site location, but specific tar files). I need them to hopefully
| get Communicator 4.06-4.5 working (they are suggested in release notes)
|               libXm.so.1.2.4  
|               libICE.so.6.0  ian-user@lists.debian
|               libXpm.so.4.9  
|               libXext.so.6.1  
|               libdl.so.1.7.14  
|               libc.so.5.3.12  
|               libg++.so.27.1.4  
|               libstdc++.so.27.1.4  
|               libm.so.5.0.6 
| Any help would be much appreciated.
| Albert Hurd
| --  
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Go get the file,

Then use zgrep to search the Contents file for each library(minus the
version number) you are missing.  I.e. 

% zgrep libICE.so Contents-i386.gz
usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so                                      x11/xlib6g-dev
usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6                                    x11/xlib6g
usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6.3                                  x11/xlib6g
usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/libICE.so                            oldlibs/xlib6-altdev
usr/lib/libc5-compat/libICE.so.6                             oldlibs/xlib6
usr/lib/libc5-compat/libICE.so.6.3                           oldlibs/xlib6

So if you are running the glibc version of Netscape you need the xlib6g
package and if you are running the libc5 version of Netscape you need
the xlib6 package.

The better thing would be to use the netscape installer in the contrib
section of the Debian packages and it will tell you what it depends on,
at least for the libc5 version of Netscape.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
							   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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