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Lowmem Installation problem (fwd)

Dear Brave Debian Users:  

		With a lowmem installation [4 meg.s RAM], 2 MB temporary 
partition [ Type 81], 16 MB Swap Partition [Type 82], and the rest of my
HD for Linux; I can't install.  

	After booting from lowmem.bin, partitioning my disk,
initializing swap, copying root.bin over, then exiting it; I see a flash
along the bottom of the screen:

	swap on failed
device busy or in use.

	Then I get taken into the menu driven installation program.  There I
cannont initialize or activate the swap partition;  'device busy or in
use', yet it is alwayst telling me that that is what needs to be done
next.  But as long as I don't try to make a boot floppy, I can finish
installing choosing the steps myself; that is, skipping the initialization
and actiation of Swap P..
Then I try to boot from this.

	When booting from my new Linux HD, one of the messages I see is:

Activating Swap...   
Mountin local file systems...		
not mounted anything			
Starting kerneld, version 2.1.85 (pid 111)	
/etc/rc2.d/S20logoutd: fork: Cannot allocate memory
sh: xmalloc:  cannot allocate 8 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
libncurses.so.3.4: cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
libc.so.6: cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes [really bad sign]
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
libncurses.so.3.4: cannot map zero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
libc.so.6: cannot map aero-fill pages:  Cannot allocate memory
/bin/sh:  error in loading shared libraries
			[like this forever, Ahhhhh]

	Do you know what I can do to get this to work;  if you don't mind,
please share it with me.  I installed the last version of Debian fine, but
this one is a nother story.

						Jason J. Simas

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