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Re: Linuxmusicface=0 was ( Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff] )

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:

> Hi debian,
> Well i have be searching about a long time for sound application. And i 
> get to the conclusion that for musicans, linux is crap. Music people 
> cannot do music on computer with this OP. I found this pretty bad. Here 
> could exist very better app. that for win/Mac. Linux is much more free 
> that those, then, there could be much more free application. And thats 
> what musican (at least me) are searching for. Freedom for creations....

I guess there aren't any musicians ouot there who want to write a music
program for Linux. Maybe I will try my hand at it when I get better at
programming. Any one else interested in giving it a try?

> finnaly to end with my sound questions.... where can i find sound apps??

I guess that depends on what sound card you have. There are several apps
for certain cards (GUS, AWE). It also depends oon what you want to do. If
you want to compose music, I believe that the only thing out there is a
mod tracker, and I can't remember where that is. I'll see if I can track
it down.

Greg Starkes, Computing & Communications, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
e-mail: gstarkes@morgan.ucs.mun.ca        www: http://www.cs.mun.ca/~gstarkes/

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