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Re: First time Linux user.

> 1) Where would be a good site for information regarding Linux, perhaps a
> site maintained by the creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds.

Linus doesn't have much except penguins on his home page (at least, last I

> 2) Where would be a good place to get information regarding the use of
> Linux. (As I have yet to find the equivalent to the DOS cd and dir command.)

http://www.linux.org and http://www.linuxhq.com 
try http://www.linuxhq.com/LDP for such gems as the Linux Users Guide and
the Linux Administrators Guide (you are an administrator if you own your
own computer :]) 

As far as the commands go, they're pretty much the same as any Unix. See
if you can find a Unix user book in your local library. They may even have
a linux book if you're lucky. 

Here's some to get you started:

DOS		Unix

cd		cd
del		rm
dir		ls
rmdir? 		rmdir (removes directories)
mkdir?		mkdir (creates directories)
help <command>	man <command> (chances are on a small system you don't
have the man pages installed)
		more <file> gives you the contents of a file in a pageable
fashion. (I think this is the same as DOS). 
		less <file> will do the same, except it's nicer. zless
will read compressed (*.gz) files, I think there is also zmore.
Documentation is stored in /usr/doc, mostly in compressed form. 

Here are a couple of quite nessecary commands that stumped me at first: 

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
(mounts the msdos formatted disk in the fd0 drive as the directory /floppy
. The directory /floppy has to exist, you may need to create it)

shutdown -h now 
(for turning off the computer. shutdown -r now restarts it)

Have fun, 

Andrew Tarr

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate"

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