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Apache Config problem: UserDir

My users(3) have their home pages at www.xxxx.com/~user
and now i have added my friends domain to my box and i have
to use the new 'NameVirtualHost xxx.yyy.zzz.uuu' and everything
is fine. Someday i noticed that my users can go either by my domain
or my friend like www.mydoamin.com/~user or www.friend.com/~user
soo i moved 'UserDir public_html' from srm.conf to my domains section(<VirtualName ip>)
in htttpd.conf but this doesent work, i can still go thru both domains, soo what im doing
wrong?.. it shall only work with my domain not others, soo if there are someone
knowing what the heck om doing wrong, then plz tell me ;)


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