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Re: Password to single user boot.

> As David Maze points out, it'd also be best to NOT use mbr as the master
> boot record since that will allow one to boot off a floppy and/or
> another partition.
> I prefer to let LILO be the master boot record on my servers since they
> only run Linux ... one less piece of software to worry about.

Ditto, but as I stated in my original post :), one can disable booting by
floppy in the BIOS and then password protect the BIOS.  Since booting by
floppy isn't a common thing (at least for me), this shouldn't be too much
of an inconvenience.  It is easy to re-enable floppy booting in the BIOS.
It may be a pain but better to be safe than sorry.

By the way, I don't think I understood what you and David were talking
about concerning mbr and the master boot record and floppy booting.  Could
you please elaborate?


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