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Re: Was the release of Debian 2.0 put on Linux Announce?

As for user selection criteria of Debian, I was simply passing along three
actual experiances from coworkers. One mentioned to me one day that he
saw Linux at a local computer store and bought it. I asked him which one.
He said Red Hat because it looked like a newer version of Linux and there
appeared to be more commercial apps for it such as BRU and Applix. He
decided Linux sucks and no longer uses it (he bought Red Hat 5.0).

A second bought Red Hat because that is what his customer was using and he
really didn't know much about any of the other distributions. He is still
using it.

A third eventually went to Debian after asking me why each vendor shipped
a different version of Linux and I explained the differences to him. He
uses Debian.

A fourth is using Linux only because I suggested it for her in her home
LAN that she is using as an IP-Masquerade host and SAMBA server after she
had disasterous experiance with NT so she does not count. She uses
S.u.S.E. now but origianally used Debian and is considering switching
back as of the email I received from her today.

Some folks do not know they want Linux until they see the box on the
shelf. The shopping can take from a few minutes to an hour depending on
who else is standing around the Linux display.

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

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