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Hi everyone, 

Before I ask my question I want to give you all an update. I have posted
here before when I was having a problem with my nic card not working and
all the suggestions as to what could be the problem are greatly
appreciated.  I would like to say that I figured out what the problem was
but I can't. I just played with it a little and it started to work. <gasp>
Sounds like a MS operating system <G>

Heres my next question, 

Now that that I got everything working, I was telneting into my linux box
and just playing around. 

One thing I have noticed is that I cannot login as root across a telnet
Anyone tell me why?  And if its possible to change that to were I can login
through telnet?

I want to be able to have a computer were I can login through telnet and do
about anything. And no I'm not worried about security, it's not even going
to get connected to the internet just my lan.


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