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Re: Graphical Linux Logo on boot

On 23-Jul-98 Will Lowe wrote:
>       There is an ascii-linux-logo program floating around someplace (no
> clue where),  or you could design an ascii-logo and just dump it to the
> screen at some point early in the boot scripts.

I think it's floating around in a lot of places. Here's a copy of my copy,
if you'd like it (I've forgotten where I got it from).
-------------------------------------------------------see below------------

                   @                                            ##O#O##
  ######          @@#                                           #VVVVV#
    ##             #                                          ##  VVV  ##
    ##         @@@   ### ####   ###    ###  ##### ######     #          ##
    ##        @  @#   ###    ##  ##     ##    ###  ##       #            ##
    ##       @   @#   ##     ##  ##     ##      ###         #            ###
    ##          @@#   ##     ##  ##     ##      ###        QQ#           ##Q
    ##       # @@#    ##     ##  ##     ##     ## ##     QQQQQQ#       #QQQQQQ
    ##      ## @@# #  ##     ##  ###   ###    ##   ##    QQQQQQQ#     #QQQQQQQ
  ############  ###  ####   ####   #### ### ##### ######   QQQQQ#######QQQQQ

-------------------------------------------------------see above------------


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Date: 23-Jul-98                                       Time: 17:54:08

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