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Re: make

phillip Neumann <huevadas@hotmail.com> writes:
pN> Im not so sure about what packages do i need to run the "make"
pN> command.  Which one do i need ??

The quick answer to your question is just the 'make' package.  If
you're actually going to try to compile programs using make, though,
you probably want a C compiler and the support files necessary to use
it; you should install at the very least gcc and libc6-dev, along with 
the -dev packages for any libraries the program you're trying to
compile needs.

/                             \       "Dad was reading a book called
|          David Maze         |     _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box."
| http://donut.mit.edu/dmaze/ |               -- Abra Mitchell

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