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sendmail's refusal

I am using an older hamm (installed end of May), and sendmail 
is refusing to send mail to users not on the machine.  For 

% sendmail -t mdakin@mit.edu
mdakin@mit.edu... Unrecognized host name mit.edu.
% sendmail -t mdakin@transient.net
mdakin@transient.net... Unrecognized host name transient.net.

Nameservice seems to be working fine, however.  It even seems
to do the lookup (judging from modem-light-action).  Everyting
else works fine.

I do not run an SMTP daemon.  I was not intending to use 
the machine for mail, so I am not aware if it ever did work.  

If you have any insight, please Cc me.  



"The spirit of Lisp hacking can be expressed in two sentences. 
 Programming should be fun. Programs should be beautiful."
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