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Re: The last latex2e question.........

>>>>> "phillip" == phillip Neumann <huevadas@hotmail.com> writes:

    phillip> Hi, Im a little desperade, becasue i have to insert a
    phillip> graphic in my latex2e document. I have search the guides,
    phillip> but i didnt find something it could help (maybe i look at
    phillip> it too quickly..). Its a jpg. I learn, at univ., that i
    phillip> should insert it with the folowing command:

    phillip> \special{isoscale \figure.jpg ble, bla}

    phillip> but i think in the computers of my univ. the command is
    phillip> already configure.... Not here in my home. What sould i
    phillip> do to insert a jpeg???

There might be a more straightforward way, but what I usually do is
convert the .jpg to Encapsulated Postscript using xv (pbmplus should
work as well, but I like xv), use package epsfig and enter

\epsfig{file=picture.eps} for a file named "picture.eps"

in a figure environment.  However, this means you must print the whole
document from a .ps file generated by dvips--don't try to use, say,
dvilj2p, as it knows nothing about postscript specials (I wish it did
like xdvi and called gs to render, but it's too old).  That's why I
have a postscript printer. :{)

Benoit Goudreault-Emond -- Reply to: bgoudem@axess.com
CoFounder, KMS Group.  Student, B. CompEng, Concordia University.
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