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smail expanding domains


	My machine is called casal.upc.es. Whenever I try to send email to
another machine in the same net (upc.es) by just puting the address
user@dat (which is dat.upc.es), I get the following error:

|------------------------- Message log follows: -------------------------|
 no valid recipients were found for this message
|------------------------- Failed addresses follow: ---------------------|
 <pere@dat> ... unknown host
|------------------------- Message text follows: ------------------------|

	Does anybody know how to fix this?


Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o            Ultima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_        mailto:pere@casal.upc.es
PGP key available     ---  (_)/ (_)      http://casal.upc.es/~pere/

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