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Re: Fvwm95: FvwmTaskBarAutoHide problems

Benno Overeinder <bjo@wins.uva.nl> writes:

> Hi,
> I am using the Fvwm95 window manager and has enabled the infamous
> FvwmTaskBarAutoHide option.
> With Debian 1.3, the Fvwm95 taskbar appeared automagically if the
> mouse hits the bottom of a virtual desktop (i.e., generated a certain
> event which made the taskbar to be raised).  However, if the virtual
> desktop is one of the lower most of the desktops (i.e, with
> DeskTopSize 3x2, the lower three), the specific event is not generated
> and the taskbar did not appear.
> With the Fvwm95 distribition that comes with Debian 2.0, this problem
> is solved, that is, in the lower virtual desktops the taskbar appears
> without any problems.  But now the taskbar appears in the other
> virtual desktops very slowly and in steps.  The mouse changes from
> shape each time the taskbar raises with a step, as if a series of X
> events are necessary to raise the taskbar instead of a single event.

1.  I've seen the problem  (and should fix it, since I'm the Debian
maintainer for fvwm95)

2.  The taskbar is being raised in a series of XMoveWindow calls, by
two pixels each call.  I can try to make that an option in the next
Debian fvwm95 package; howver, there's much to do with getting
Debian's versioning back in sync with the upstream source, among other 
things, so this may wait.
3.  I don't know of a simple solution (I rarely use the
TaskBarAutoHide myself.)  I'll see if I can disable some X events on
the TaskBar as it's moving, but this could cause other problems.

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