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Re: hamm upgrade/c++ libraries

Phil Dyer wrote:
> I upgraded to hamm yesterday and have run into a problem.
> I used autoup.sh with an ftp connection to get the required packages.
> Now I cannot compile c++ code, as it cannot find the libs. (iostream.h,
> fstream.h, string, list, etc).
> Doing a locate says they are nowhere on the system.  Is there a package
> that I missed?
> I'm using kernel 2.0.33.
> Thanks,
> --
> Phil Dyer
> padyer@pilot.infi.net

	One of the things that the Autoup scripts does is remove all xxx-dev
packages before continuing.  It should have left a text file log telling you
what it deleted.  These dev packages have to be reinstalled explicitly (by
you), because as far as dselect is concerned they were never on your system.


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