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Re: diskcrash -> /var gone, was: Re: Plattencrash -> /var weg?

> 2.) installing the base system via the rescue floppies
I've several times managed to hose my /etc directory,  once while trying
to install a tape drive so I could back the same directory up ...

I generally install the base system onto a spare partition and copy the
/etc directory from it into the bunged-up one.   This lets me get the
system to boot ok (but most of the software doesn't work),  so then I can
boot up,  fix the network by hand,  and let dselect update ALL of the
packages on the system.

> 3.) got a list of installed packages from /usr/doc/* directories.
should be possible to do this with dpkg --get-selections,  which can of
course then just be redirected into a file:
dpkg --get-selections > filename
and then
dpkg --set-selections < filename


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