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Re: Hard lock-up crashes, need some clues!

*-Shaleh ( 6 Jul)
| What is running / not running at the time of the crash.  The ^@ could
| indicate a daemon overflowing its buffer -- it could be a symptom or a
| cause.  When I run Netscape and Enlightenment 13.3 I occasionally have
| this happen.  Seems that NS does some things that eventually torque off
| E and X.

*-Nathan E Norman ( 6 Jul)
| Are you on kernel 2.0.33?  What's the load average?

Kernel 2.0.34, Netscape 4.05(glibc version), Matlab, Xemacs, TkRat,
Ical, Fvwm95, all the usual daemons, load average of <= 1, I am the
only user.  It locked up again when I was reading your replies for the
first time, this was only about 10 minutes after the previous crash! 
This time there was no trace of any ^@'s in the logs. Now I have
rebooted and so far so good. I have strace logging on Matlab and
Netscape to see if they catch anything.

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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