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Re: postgres intallation failed

Networking Wizard wrote:
  >It seemed a write-permission denial in /var/postgres sub-tree. Therefore 
  >i switched back to root and changed the owner of /var/postgres:
  >%% chown -R postgres.postgres  /var/postgres  

I think I'll add this to the postinst script
  >This time postgres user was able to complete the initiatization script.
  >I was able to create users allowed to access and change databases, so i thin
  >postgres is running correctly now.
  >Yet i had to start postmaster by line command; i noticed that postgres direc
  >is not contained in  /etc/rc*.d/ directories. Is it a desired feature or is 
  >due to my non-orthodox installation procedure?

It's probably because the postinst script failed.  You should have a 
/etc/init.d/postgresql file, with the following symbolic links to it:

/etc/rc0.d/K20postgresql  /etc/rc3.d/S20postgresql  /etc/rc6.d/K20postgresql
/etc/rc1.d/K20postgresql  /etc/rc4.d/S20postgresql
/etc/rc2.d/S20postgresql  /etc/rc5.d/S20postgresql

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it 
      is the power of God unto salvation to every one that 
      believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."  
                             Romans 1:16 

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