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Re: dosemu

Robert Kerr wrote:

> I'm having a very frustrating time with dosemu.  I've gotten to the point
> where I can actually type dos at the prompt and I get a very nice c:
> prompt.  From there I'm lost.  I've read the docs, and they are very
> confusing, contradictory and not very helpful.  I try to lredir my drives,
> but I keep getting error 3e 3c 42, depending on how I'm trying to do it.
> Do I need to have my dos partitions mounted already?
> Do they need to be listed in dosemu.conf?
> How can I edit the autoexec.bat file if I can't access an editor?

I am using dosemu version 0.66-3 (the one that came on the bo CD), and
had similar problems. So I created a MSDOS boot floppy. Then, look in
the dosemu.conf file and you will see an entry for the boot up
sequence which should read bootC or bootA, to allow booting up from
the C or A drive. I keep this as bootA. Thus, on typing dos or xdos,
the MSDOS on the floppy gets loaded.

In the default dosemu.conf file, this entry is bootA. There is also an
entry that points to the /var/lib/dosemu/hdimage boot image.
Therefore, when you type dos or xdos ( without a boot floppy), in the
dos window, you will see a message that says ``Unable to boot from
floppy, booting from hard disk'' or something to that effect. If you
do supply a boot floppy, then you will come up with the A:> prompt.

Then, the lredir works as documented. C: is still what it was before.
D: upwards is available for redirection. You should have mounted your
dos partitions beforehand. I do not have them listed in dosemu.conf.

To edit the files in the A:, C: etc drives, you can use the mtools
package. There are commands like mdir, mcopy etc.
man mtools for more info.

The following command:

         mcopy C:\autoexec.bat /tmp/.

will copy the autoexec.bat file to /tmp where you can edit it using
your favorite editor and then copy back using mcopy.

You will probably need to edit /etc/mtools.conf also. IIRC,
the offset for the hdimage is 8832 and not 3840 as listed in
the mtools.conf file.

Hope this helps.

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