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Re: chat will not send password

> ogin: chipg\r
> Password: zzzzzzz\r

The <return> in a chat script is automatic.  If you _don't_ want a
<return> you must use "\c" to stop it.

So by having chipg\r you are actually sending "chipg <return><return>" 
which sends a null string to whatever comes after the login - in this case
the password. 

The correct sequence is:

ogin:    chipg
assword: \qzzzzzzz

The "\q toggles logging of the reply dialog.  Turn the logging back on
with another "\q" but _not_ on the same line.  I.e. not \qzzzzz\q.

Lindsay Allen   <allen@cleo.murdoch.edu.au>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    32.0125S 115.8445E    vk6lj      Debian Linux

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