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Re: Please clarify...

On Tue, Jun 16, 1998 at 07:48:26AM -0700, Neil Cheshire wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please clarify for me about all the Debian releases. I 
> currently run Debian 1.3 which is bo , right?


> I haven't really done much 
> to my system so was going to reinstall with Debian 2.0 which is hamm , 
> ok so far?

Yes, but *there is no need for a re-install*! Debian has a great and
superior upgrading mechanism, and your system will update cleanly through
every version, even major version changes.

Again: Dpkg is designed to handle all upgrades. There are some things to
watch for, but nothing serious. If you can't update your system cleanly, it
is a bug (and a severe one, too).

Reinstalls are for Windows.

> So what is slink? Is this what is coming out in June, ie. a 
> stable hamm?

No. Hamm will be released as stable as soon it is finished.

> Will that be 2.1 or is that coming later?

The next release will be Hamm 2.0. Slink 2.1 will come after that, probably

> Should I really wait for the stable release? Seeing as I am not 
> desperate to upgrade?

You should wait for the stable release. If you need security updates, they
are incorporated in bo. If you need other upgrades, they are probably in
bo-updates or bo-unstable at the ftp site.

If you are an experienced user and want to test the upgrade, you are welcome
to do so before the stable release (I run hamm since november last year).
Note. however, that it *may* crash your system seriously (not that I think
of a special bug, but take care).
> 1.2 rex
> 1.3 bo
> 2.0 hamm....?

2.1 slink

1.1 (0.93?) buzz


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