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Re: Howto install libc6?

Ed Cogburn <ecogburn@greene.xtn.net> writes:
> 	You shouldn't try upgrading from libc5 to libc6 using dselect.  Go to
> http://www.debian.org, Developer's Corner, and read libc5->libc6 Mini
> Howto.  Then get the upgrade script mentioned in the same place and run it
> first

     As of yesterday afternoon, the version of autoup.sh on the
Developer's Corner was 0.23, which is obsolete.  The current version
is 0.27, and may be gotten from http://debian.vicnet.net.au/autoup/ or
http://debian.vicnet.net.au/autoup/.  There is also a README for the
autoup script in that location.  Also on that site is autoup.tar.gz,
which is a tarball of all the packages that are needed by the script.

  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard    <hilliard@flinet.com>
  |_) (_) |_)      Palm City, FL  USA    PGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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