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Re: Nethack save files: was: angband save problems

Britton Leo Kerin wrote:
> Nethack seems to have the same sort of problem.  Is this perhaps a
> systematic error in debian's arrangement for games and other things
> that have to save data of this sort, or is there something we're
> missing?  I seem to remember a big argument about where to keep
> certain kinds of 'variable-config-save-sorta-thingies' somewhat
> recently, could that be related to thses problems?
> >     Yes, that is how you do it.  However, as to whether or not that would
> > help, or is advisable, I'm not sure.  Your executable is set GUID.  Hrm.  But
> > the files are not set to group writable.  Maybe that is the problem.
> >
> > >Permissions are the same as my save file (name 1000.mcv21 and mcv21
> > >instead of apc27)
> >
> >     They're all in angband/lib/save, right?
> Nope  /var/lib/games/angband/save/
> Interestingly, character dumps fail as well....
> Matthew

	By default a character dump would go into 'angband/lib/user' so unless you
give explicit group write access for this directory, it will fail.  I think
it *should* fail, because you really want users to keep their stuff in their
home area.  
	Actually, angband should be upgraded so that it can dump these kind of
files (char dumps, user pref files) in a user provided destination
(somewhere in their home area) instead of assuming the user always has write
access to 'angband/lib/user'.


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